
1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation is conscious of its responsibility when it comes to the sustainable development and management of the properties in its Real Estate Switzerland (IS) and Sustainable Real Estate Projects Switzerland (NIS) investment groups, and plays its part in this regard through the implementation of its sustainability strategy. It takes a holistic approach to sustainability, and seeks to integrate EESG (Economic, Environmental, Social and Governance) topics into its value creation chain.

In 2021, 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation defined the sustainability strategy for its IS investment group, and has been reporting regularly on the sustainability measures implemented for this group ever since. Consumption data has been recorded and published every year since 2022. 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation took part in the GRESB Assessment for the first time in 2023, and also conducted a large-scale tenant survey.

In 2022, 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation launched the NIS investment group, which invests with a focus on sustainable construction projects involving high-quality properties in excellent locations. The NIS investment group focuses its investment on the development and realisation of projects with promising potential added value. As a result, sustainability is a key consideration when it comes to building up the portfolio. Efforts are undertaken during the development of the projects to have the buildings certified in accordance with the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard. The innovative NIS investment group gives Swiss benefits schemes the opportunity to invest in new construction and development projects with a carbon-neutral long-term strategy while successively generating substantial development and valuation gains.

Objectives and material topics

1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation bases its activities on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) published by the United Nations (UN). Of the 17 SDGs, it would like to highlight the six goals that it is able to positively influence through its activities. These form the basis of the foundation’s sustainability strategy.

1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation considers topics to be material if they are moderately or very relevant to its business, or if they have a moderate to significant impact on the environment in which the foundation operates. This results in the 16 material topics shown in the materiality matrix below.


1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation supports the Swiss Federal Council’s goal of achieving net zero by 2050. By 2035 it hopes to reduce the overall energy balance and carbon emissions of its properties in line with the CRREM targets (1.5 °C). It also intends to continuously improve energy efficiency. Relative energy consumption is to be successively reduced between now and 2035.

Environmental performance indicators

Environmental performance indicators, including figures for carbon and energy intensity, have been calculated for the Real Estate Switzerland (IS) investment group since 2022. The figures are presented in accordance with both the SSEA 380 and the REIDA method.

Environmental performance indicators for 2021/2022


Reduction pathway

A reduction pathway has been defined for 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation, which supports the Swiss Federal Council’s target of achieving net zero by 2050.

In addition to switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy and making its properties more energy efficient, the foundation is also considering making the switch to green electricity for the mains electricity supply, as well as the wide-scale installation of solar panels. Improvements are already being made to the operation of heating and building technology systems.


1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation is supported by Nova Property Fund Management AG as part of a holistic mandate. Its business activities bring it into contact with a variety of stakeholders, with whom it strives to maintain a proactive, open and collaborative dialogue.

Tenant satisfaction is very important to 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation, and it wants to improve the well-being, satisfaction and security of those who rent and use its properties. This is the backdrop against which, in the second quarter of 2023, a large-scale tenant survey of the Real Estate Switzerland (IS) investment group was carried out for the first time. The survey focused on residential use, and will be expanded to include commercial tenants in 2024.

Corporate responsibility

1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation follows a business model based on a sustainable growth strategy in terms of economic sustainability, and stands out on account of the responsibility of its governance and Foundation Board.

Ultimate responsibility for the subject of sustainability and the associated risks lies with the Foundation Board. The Board defines the sustainability strategy, and works with the Executive Management to set targets in this regard. The Managing Director is in charge of the operational implementation of the sustainability strategy and the measures that have been decided on, and reports regularly to the Foundation Board. 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation receives comprehensive support in this regard from Nova Property Fund Management AG.

The corporate governance of 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation comprises internal policies, a Code of Conduct, management structures, processes and practices that promote fairness, transparency and accountability, and ensures ethical and transparent management.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct (German)

Memberships and ratings

1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation has been a signatory to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2022, and first took part in the initiative in 2023 with the aim of committing to the six principles of responsible investment.

In 2023, in order to improve the transparency of the management process and the quality of the buildings in the property portfolio, and to optimise the management of the portfolio with respect to sustainability in connection with future measures, 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation participated with its IS investment group in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB, „Performance“ component) and in the Swiss Sustainable Real Estate Index (SSREI) for the first time.

GRESB is the leading assessment system for measuring the performance of real estate companies and real estate investment vehicles when it comes to sustainability. The GRESB Assessment is divided into three components: Management, Performance (to evaluate existing properties) and Development (to evaluate projects in development). The first participation of the IS investment group in the GRESB Assessment resulted in a rating in the two areas of Management and Performance.

With its 36 indicators, the SSREI is based on the commonly used systems for evaluating sustainable real estate as well as existing standards (such as SSEA 112/1 „Nachhaltiges Bauen – Hochbau“). The SSREI evaluates the sustainability of individual properties. GRESB and SSREI can thus be viewed as complementary methods for evaluating the sustainability of real estate companies, and as methods which also facilitate transparency and comparability.

1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation has been a member of the KGAST since 2020. The KGAST is a Swiss industry association representing the majority of investment foundations who offer investment solutions for occupational benefits schemes and 3a foundations. The KGAST works to improve framework conditions for the industry and to bring about innovative solutions that make sense from both an economic and an ecological perspective.


1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation provides comprehensive insights into its sustainable corporate governance.

The current Business and Sustainability Report sets out the relevant challenges and achievements in detail. Download the report to find out more about 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation’s efforts to integrate sustainability into its entire value creation chain.

Sustainability Report (German)

Success stories

IS investment group – Kemptthal
Kemptpark 40, 42

The conversion of the commercial property in the well-connected development zone in Kemptthal was completed in 2019. All work was carried out in close consultation with the heritage preservation authorities. The property’s façade and load-bearing structure were preserved, and only the interior fittings were completely updated. Power and heating are provided via geothermal probes, and solar panels were installed on the roof. Once it had been converted, the property was awarded the U.S. Green Building Council’s international „LEED Gold“ label. A 30-year lease has been agreed with Givaudan Switzerland Ltd. Together with the new „Zürich Innovation“ research laboratory, which is also located on the site, Givaudan Switzerland Ltd employs around 500 people at The Valley Kemptpark.



IS investment group – Zurich
Bellerivestrasse 11 and Feldeggstrasse 17/23

The mandate of 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation, which is managed by NPFM, was given the go-ahead to start work on the new construction and conversion project in Zurich’s popular Seefeld quarter in May 2023 for its Real Estate Switzerland investment group. This development project will result in the creation of forty apartments and three studio spaces. The project is to be certified in accordance with the Minergie standard, and heated using geothermal probe heat pumps. Up to 40% of the power required by the building is to be met by the solar panels on the roof. Each apartment features its own private outdoor space in the form of seating, balconies, loggias or rooftop terraces. Some of the thirteen parking spaces in the underground garage have charging stations. The project perimeter also includes an interior courtyard with an area of around 800 m2. Trees and other greenery provide a pleasant atmosphere. In order to ensure good relations with the neighbours, NPFM (on behalf of 1291 The Swiss Investment Foundation) already sought out an in-person dialogue with residents during the planning phase. Information regarding the timeline and construction site installations was provided at another event.



NIS investment group – Effretikon (ZH)
Bahnhofstrasse 28

This commercial and residential building is being built in the heart of Effretikon, in the immediate vicinity of the main station. The high-rise building includes a two-floor base for public use. The base also includes a contemporary restaurant with an outdoor space. The upper floors will offer space for service companies and different types of residential units. The new „Rosenwegplatz“ plaza, featuring large-crowned trees, will offer a high-quality place to spend time and serve as a link to the future bus station and urban centre. Heat will be generated by geothermal probe heat pumps, and solar panels will be integrated into the façade. The high-rise building will be sustainable, with SNBS certification.



NIS investment group – Wil
Untere Bahnhofstrasse 1-11

The central station plaza in Wil is one of the most appealing development zones in the region. The public and private transport connections are ideal. There are shops, leisure facilities, cultural attractions and schools in the immediate vicinity. The renovation of Wil train station by the SBB will extend platform 1 the entire length of the new construction project. The new construction project is in a very central location in Wil, with direct access to the train station and good pedestrian access, and is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2026. On the ground floor and first floor, the „Perronimo“ offers attractive and popular retail and commercial spaces. The second floor and above will feature high-quality residential units with a wide range of uses. The project is certified as a „2000-Watt Site“. Recertification as an SNBS site is currently being considered. Centrally controlled apartment ventilation is supplemented by power generation (heating/cooling/hot water) using geothermal probes and heat pumps. Electricity and hot water are also generated on the roofs using hybrid solar collectors. The corresponding mobility concept with public, subterranean bike stands promotes the use of public transport.